East Buffalo Township has adopted Zoning and Subdivision & Land Development Ordinances. It is the intent and purpose of the scope of these Ordinances to protect and promote the health and safety of the community. These Ordinances are tools to guide uses of land and structures, type and location of streets, public grounds and other facilities and to promote the preservation of the community’s natural resources and prime agricultural and woodland areas.
All of the aforementioned Ordinances are consistent with the requirements of the Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) which is developed by the State Legislature.
The Township has also adopted the Union County sponsored Multi-Municipal Regional Comprehensive Planning.
The East Buffalo Township Planning & Zoning Department is responsible for the administration of the Zoning and Subdivision & Land Development Ordinances. The Department works in concert with the Township Engineer, Solicitor, Planning Commission and the Zoning Hearing Board.
The purpose of the Township Zoning Ordinance is to regulate the use of land; regulate the location, use and density of buildings; and provide for the administration and enforcement of the Ordinance.
The intent of zoning regulations is to allow a property owner a reasonable use of their land while not causing a detriment to adjoining property owners or the neighborhood.
Every property in East Buffalo Township is classified to determine how the property may be used. The zoning districts include:
- Agricultural Preservation
- Agricultural Residential
- Bucknell University
- General Commercial
- Highway Commercial
- Industrial
- Low Density Residential
- Medium Density Residential
- Urban Residential
- Woodland Preservation
East Buffalo Zoning Map – Rev 2016
Union County GIS
Property owners wanting to find information about their property such as tax parcel number, sales data, deed book, page number, etc. can find this information on Union County’s Graphic Information System (GIS).
Contact Information
Planning & Zoning Department
Thomas MacDonald
Central Keystone Council of Governments
1610 Industrial Boulevard
Suite 400A
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Phone: 570-522-1326
Access downloadable permits from CKCOG.
Comprehensive Plan
The Union County sponsored Multi-Municipal Regional Comprehensive Plan, Cultivating Community: A Plan for Union County’s Future, was adopted by the Union County Commissioners on December 31, 2009, This County Comprehensive Plan is intended to be a guide for community decision-makers in managing growth, sustainable development, and preservation. Consistent with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), components of the plan include, but are not limited to: Natural and Agricultural Resources; Land Use; Housing; Economic Development; Transportation; Cultural, Historic, and Recreational Resources; Community Facilities, Utilities, and Energy Conservation.
East Buffalo Township was part of the Eastern Planning Area, along with Kelly Township, White Deer Township and Lewisburg Borough. On August 23, 2010, the East Buffalo Township Board of Supervisors adopted, by Resolution #05-2010, the Cultivating Community Comprehensive Plan as a guide for the development of the Township’s future.
- Table of Contents
- Part 1 Vision and Framework
- Part 2 Comprehensive Plan Elements
- Part 3 Partnerships for Implementation
- Appendices
Greenway & Open Space Plan
The Union County Greenway and Open Space Plan and its recommendations reflect nearly two years of work by the volunteer steering committee which attempted to balance the desires of the public with future fiscal and political realities.