East Buffalo Township is located in Union County, Pennsylvania.

Our website is a public information service created for the convenience of our residents, property owners and guests to provide easy access to information and enhance our communication with the general public.

Data contained on this website is intended to assist in offering information about East Buffalo Township and is not to be considered or construed as an official document.


Just a friendly reminder that the Fairground Road Park is CLOSED due to construction. For your safety, please respect this notice during construction and stay out of the park. We anticipate the park to reopen mid-August with new improvements for you to enjoy.
Please respect the rules for the park as well as the surrounding Township properties. We provide trash cans and doggie bags, please clean up after your pet.

Thank you
Township Management

Civil Service Commission

East Buffalo Township is seeking a township resident as a volunteer member to fill a vacated position on the Civil Service Commission. The Civil Service Commission (CSC) serves in an advisory capacity to the Buffalo Valley Regional Police Commission (BVRPC). The CSC shall conduct the examination of applicants for positions in the police force and promotions. CSC shall consist of three citizens appointed by the BVRPC. Membership shall consist of at least one (1) citizen from each Municipality, who at all times must be permanent residents of the BVRPD jurisdiction. Members shall serve for four (4) years, with staggered terms. Barring a mid-term vacancy, expirations, renewals, and new terms shall be effective on the date of the Commission’s first meeting in January. Members serve as at-will representatives of the BVRPC and are, therefore, subject to removal at the will of BVRPC. Should a seat become vacant, for any reason, the BVRPC shall make an appointment for the unexpired term. No sworn police officer or civilian employee of the Department nor an elected or appointed official of the Municipalities shall be appointed to the CSC. Appointment as a member of the CSC requires experience in a leadership role within a business or another board or commission with similar responsibilities. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. One (1) meeting is required in January of each year. Special meetings shall be held, as necessary. If you would like to be considered for appointment, please complete the Volunteer Position Application, and submit the application by the end of the day on Thursday, August 8,2024, to the Township Office. If you have any questions, please call the Township Office at 570-523-6320 ext. 301or send your emails to jolenehelwig@ebtwp.org.