Drop-Off Center Location
1076 Pheasant Ridge Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Drop-Off Center – Mondays 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM during the months of April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November.
Second Saturday during the months of April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November.
When a holiday is observed on a Monday, the Brush and Yard Waste Site will be open on Tuesday.
Curbside Collection – Brush and yard waste will be collected during the months of April, May, September and October.
Materials must be curbside at 7:00 AM on the second Monday of designated months.
The specific collection day for your residence is dependent upon weather conditions and the volume of brush and yard waste in need of collection.
The Public Works Crew follows a regular rotation that collects on each street one time during each collection cycle.
* The schedule is subject to change, with or without notice.
Collection Guidelines
…tie brush in bundles.
…bag brush or yard waste.
…mix brush with yard waste.
…place material in collection containers.
…cover piles with a tarp or other covering.
…compact piles.
…collect grass clippings.
…place cut ends of brush facing the street.
…keep roads and sidewalks free of debris; place materials 3 feet from road and/or sidewalk.
…keep drainage areas free of debris.
…keep piles away from stationary objects (e.g., mailboxes, fences, fire hydrants, utility poles, parked cars, trees).
Brush & Yard Waste Regulations
Resolution 04-2021
Brush and Yard Waste Regulations
Collected Materials
- Wood sticks & branches less than 6” diameter (no maximum lengths).
- Vegetative or organic material produced from the care and maintenance of landscaped areas and gardens MUST BE cut in 8″ lengths (NO plant root base);
- Weeds;
- Leaves;
- Dead flowers and plants; and
- Pruned shrubs less than 8″ in length.
Uncollected Materials
- Piles Mixed with Brush and Yard Waste;
- Collected Grass Clippings;
- Sod;
- Dirt;
- Rocks;
- Logs &/or Firewood;
- Lumber and/or Construction material;
- Root Balls;
- Tree/Brush Stumps and/or Stump Grindings;
- Wood Chips;
- Branches greater than 6″ in diameter;
- Landscaping Timbers;
- Non-Vegetative Landscaping Materials.
Leaving grass clippings on the lawn after mowing ensures that nutrients will be returned to the soil. Simply leave clippings on your lawn where they act as top dressing fertilizer and help keep your lawn green and healthy.
Brush & Yard Waste Notes
- Arm Full Size Brush Piles.
- Brush and yard waste will not be collected from lots being cleared for construction purposes.
- Brush and yard waste generated by commercial tree and landscaping services must be disposed of by the company and not left for collection by the Township.
- Township employees will not enter private property to collect brush or yard waste.
- Curbside collection services are not provided by the Township on private streets.
- The Township does not provide a drop-off location for brush or yard waste deposits.