Police Department

Buffalo Valley Regional Police

The Buffalo Valley Regional Police Department (BVRPD) began operations on February 6, 2012.

The BVRPD was formed by the merger of the existing police departments from East Buffalo Township and Lewisburg Borough.

A merger of existing police departments of East Buffalo Township and Lewisburg Borough was solidified by an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the two municipalities. Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, now codified in Title 53 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (originally Act 180 of 1972), among other things, empowered these municipalities to delegate police powers to this new and separate quasi-governmental unit, the Buffalo Valley Regional Police Department.

BVRPD is governed by a five-member Commission comprised to two members from each municipality and one at-large member, who is alternately appointed by the municipalities.

Contact Information

Buffalo Valley Regional Police Department
1610 Industrial Blvd.
Suite 500
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Phone: 570.524.4302
Email: office@bvrpd.org