2021 In-Person & Virtual Meetings
Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission meetings will be held at the East Buffalo Township Municipal Building, 589 Fairground Road, Lewisburg, PA, Union County. Meetings will also be available in a virtual format that provides for public viewing and participation.
If it becomes necessary to conduct a meeting using only the virtual meeting format while the COVID-19 disaster emergency remains in effect, the Township will post notice on this website at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Supervisors Meeting Schedules
The Township complies with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act (65 Pa. C.S. ยงยง 701 et seq.), which legislates the method by which public meetings are advertised and conducted.
The Board of Supervisors meets for the transaction of business at least once each month at a date and time determined by the Board of Supervisors during their annual organization meeting held on the first Monday in January of each year. If the first Monday is a holiday, the meeting is held the following day.
View the 2021 meeting schedules for the Township Board of Supervisors.
Agenda and Minutes for Board of Supervisors are posted on our website for the convenience of our residents.
Planning Commission
Regular meetings of the Planning Commission are held at the East Buffalo Township Municipal Building, 589 Fairground Road, Lewisburg, PA, Union County. All meetings begin at 6:00 PM. The meeting dates for 2021 are as follows:
- January 20th
- February 17th
- March 17th
- April 21st
- May 19th
- June 16th
- July 21st
- August 18th
- September 15th
- October 20th
- November 17th
- December 15th
Other Public Meetings
Buffalo Valley Recreation Authority
Meeting Schedule
Buffalo Valley Regional Police Commission
Meeting Schedule
Lewisburg Area Joint Sewer Authority
Meeting Schedule